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Connects remote teams and improves working-from-home productivity!

For an adventurous person

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For a curious person

Video Anchor


remote teams

Keeping in touch with coworkers while working remotely can be challenging.


Our bot organizes short coffee breaks within the comfort of your Slack so you don't miss the spontaneous conversations you would have back at the office.


Better connections are just one click away!

Efficient networking is our priority

Connecting people remotely

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Cohesive team 

We want to make sure you keep a cohesive team culture and interpersonal relationships.

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United remote-work

We want to make sure your company keeps united as one even in this tough remote-work times.

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Water-cooler talks

We want to take the weight of making sure employees get proper water-cooler talks out of your shoulders.

Bot Integration in your Messaging System


SpotBot Slack bot:

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1. Arranges

small groups with configurable group sizes

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2. Assigns short remote "after work" meetings or coffee breaks

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3.  Increases meetings' productivity by suggesting icebreakers, topics and challenges

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4.  Improves the social connectedness in your organization

Simple and Transparent Pricing



Match up to 35 members

from 1 channel

into smaller groups

to meet and have

a short chat / stay in touch

An Ice-breaker is an interesting question which will help groups start or maintain a conversation easily, avoiding any possible awkwardness.

Access to our wide library

of Ice-breakers that help

kick-start any conversation

Configuration Dashboard





Everything in Free plus...

Works for Slack workspaces

of any size: unlimited channels and members


Custom Ice-breakers

to keep conversations

centered around topics

you choose

€34 / month



Everything in Standard plus...

Monthly report with Key Metrics on SpotBot matches




personal support

€59 / month

Testimonials SpotBot

It provided a nice break during the working day, and an opportunity to talk to people you wouldn't normally talk to. good that it gave suggestions for topics to discuss.

Lisa BäckmanKTH Innovation

You can't make use of SpotBot at the moment?

Name a company or a person who might need SpotBot

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